8 research outputs found

    The Effects of Pregnenolone 16α-Carbonitrile Dosing on Digoxin Pharmacokinetics and Intestinal Absorption in the Rat

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    The effect of Pgp induction in rats by pregnenolone 16α-carbonitrile (PCN) (3 days, 35 mg/kg/d, p.o.) on digoxin pharmacokinetics and intestinal transport has been assessed. After intravenous or oral digoxin dosing the arterial and hepatic portal vein (oral) AUC(0-24h) were significantly reduced by PCN pre-treatment. Biliary digoxin clearance increased 2-fold following PCN treatment. PCN significantly increased net digoxin secretion (2.05- and 4.5-fold respectively) in ileum and colon but not in duodenum or jejunum. This increased secretion correlated with increased Pgp protein expression in ileum and colon. Both intestinal and biliary excretion therefore contribute to altered digoxin disposition following PCN

    Enabling European archaeological research: The ARIADNE E-infrastructure

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    Research e-infrastructures, digital archives and data services have become important pillars of scientific enterprise that in recent decades has become ever more collaborative, distributed and data-intensive. The archaeological research community has been an early adopter of digital tools for data acquisition, organisation, analysis and presentation of research results of individual projects. However, the provision of einfrastructure and services for data sharing, discovery, access and re-use has lagged behind. This situation is being addressed by ARIADNE: the Advanced Research Infrastructure for Archaeological Dataset Networking in Europe. This EUfunded network has developed an einfrastructure that enables data providers to register and provide access to their resources (datasets, collections) through the ARIADNE data portal, facilitating discovery, access and other services across the integrated resources. This article describes the current landscape of data repositories and services for archaeologists in Europe, and the issues that make interoperability between them difficult to realise. The results of the ARIADNE surveys on users' expectations and requirements are also presented. The main section of the article describes the architecture of the einfrastructure, core services (data registration, discovery and access) and various other extant or experimental services. The ongoing evaluation of the data integration and services is also discussed. Finally, the article summarises lessons learned, and outlines the prospects for the wider engagement of the archaeological research community in sharing data through ARIADNE

    Digital autenticering - en del av e-demokrati

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    Dagens samhĂ€lle gĂ„r allt mer mot att vara ett informationssamhĂ€lle. Inga viktiga beslut sker idag utan att man först införskaffat tillrĂ€ckligt med information; den har blivit en hĂ„rdvaluta och kritisk resurs. För att vĂ„ga lita pĂ„ informationen mĂ„ste man veta att kĂ€llan Ă€r pĂ„litlig och att informationen Ă€r oförvanskad. Ett ökande medium för informations-spridning idag Ă€r olika former av digitala dokument. Digitaliseringen av samhĂ€llet har dock lett till mĂ„nga nya sĂ€tt att manipulera informationen i dessa. Syftet med denna uppsats var att utreda vilka tekniker som finns för att autenticera digitala dokument. FrĂ„gan vi stĂ€llde oss var ”Hur kan man faststĂ€lla att ett digitalt dokument Ă€r ett original?” För att undersöka detta genomförde vi tvĂ„ skilda litteraturstudier; en inom omrĂ„det e-demokrati, vilken bidrog till en ökad förstĂ„else för problemomrĂ„det och en teknisk studie. Den tekniska studien visade pĂ„ tre tekniker; digitala signaturer, steganografi och digital vattenmĂ€rkning, vilka samtliga lĂ€mpar sig vĂ€l för faststĂ€llande av dokumentens autencitet. Vi fann dock att det inte finns nĂ„gon optimal lösning pĂ„ problemet, dĂ„ samtliga lösningar har svagheter. Ytterligare utveckling inom omrĂ„det kommer att krĂ€vas

    A Framework for How to Make Use of an Automatic Passenger Counting System

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    Most of the modern cities are today facing tremendous traffic congestions, which is a consequence of an increasing usage of private motor vehicles in the cities. Public transport plays a crucial role to reduce this traffic, but to be an attractive alternative to the use of private motor vehicles the public transport needs to provide services that suit the citizens requirements for travelling. A system that can provide transit agencies with rapid feedback about the usage of their transport network is the Automatic Passenger Counting (APC) system, a system that registers the number of passengers boarding and alighting a vehicle. Knowledge about the passengers travel behaviour can be used by transit agencies to adapt and improve their services to satisfy the requirements, but to achieve this knowledge transit agencies needs to know how to use an APC system. This thesis investigates how a transit agency can make use of an APC system. The research has taken place in Melbourne where Yarra Trams, operator of the tram network, now are putting effort in how to utilise the APC system. A theoretical framework based on theories about Knowledge Discovery from Data, System Development, and Human Computer Interaction, is built, tested, and evaluated in a case study at Yarra Trams. The case study resulted in a software system that can process and model Yarra Tram's APC data. The result of the research is a proposal of a framework consistingof different steps and events that can be used as a guide for a transit agency that wants to make use of an APC system

    DASISH Reference Model for SSH Data Infrastructures

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    The current ”rising tide of scientific data” accelerates the need for e-infrastructures to support the lifecycle of data in research, from creation to reuse [RTW]. Different types of e-infrastructures address this need. Consortia like GÉANT and EGI build technical infrastructures for networking and grid computing whereas social sciences & humanities (SSH) consortia like ESS, SHARE, CESSDA, CLARIN and DARIAH build SSH research infrastructures upon such technical infrastructures, providing services to support digital research within the social sciences and the humanities. These services vary from online survey tools and repositories for creating and preserving data to resolvers and authentication services for enabling seamless access to different services or data.Together these services form a data infrastructure. Apart from building and maintaining such data infrastructure, important functions of research infrastructures include e.g. standardisation and engagement

    List of Recommended Deposit Services for SSH: Deliverable 4.3 of the DASISH project

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    This report was produced in the context of the project Data Service Infrastructure for the Social Sciences and Humanities (DASISH) work package 4.3 Convergence of Data Services. The goal has been to allow the selection and promotion of high-quality deposit services for researchers in the Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) and to make suggestions for service improvements